FRED and EIA Data


You can integrate data from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) system into RAMADDA. This requires a freely available API key. To configure this:
  1. Get a FRED API key
  2. Add a .properties file, e.g.,, to your RAMADDA home directory directory.
    fred.api.key=<your key>
  3. Once RAMADDA is restarted you can create a Fred Category entry (File->Pick a Type...). If you do not provide a Category ID then the data from the top-level category is shown, e.g. : Else, to import a specific category, e.g., Money, Banking & Finance ( enter the category ID, e.g. 32991.

EIA Data

You can integrate data from the Energy Information Administration.
  1. Get a EIA API key
  2. Add a .properties file, e.g.,, to your RAMADDA home directory directory.
    eia.api.key=<your key>
  3. Once RAMADDA is restarted you can create a EIA Category entry (File->Pick a Type...). If you do not provide a Category ID then the data from the top-level category is shown, e.g. : Else, to import a specific category, e.g., Natural Gas ( enter the category ID, e.g. 714804.


Quandl provides a treasure trove of over 10 million time series. To enable access create an account at Quandl and get the API key. Add to a .properties file in your RAMADDA home dir:
quandl.api.key=<your key>