----------------------Conductivity, Temperature & Depth ---------------------------------------------------------

Measurements/ data	: Conductivity, Temperature & Depth
Instrument		: CTD
Duration		: 2011: 22 Jun, 24-25 Aug, 04 and 22 Sept
			  2012: 13 & 15 June, 1 & 18 July, 11, 13 and 15 Aug, 03 & 14 Sept and Oct
			  2013: 23 June, 8 & 22 July, 7 & 26 Aug, 17 Sept and 02 Oct
Location		: Himadri (78.9249°N, 11.9308°E)
Latitude and Longitude	: 79.0354 - 789931, 11.2836 - 12.3
Data file format	: ASCII
File Name		: CTD-2011.zip,CTD-2012.zip and CTD-2013.zip

Press- Pressure, Strain Gauge [db]
Tem  - Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
Cond - Conductivity [S/m]
DO   - Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]
Fluor- Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3]	
PAR  - PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor	
Dep  - Depth [salt water, m]
sal  - Salinity, Practical [PSU]	
sigma-t-Density [sigma-t, Kg/m^3 ]

Bad value: -9999.99 

CTD location details:
CTD-location 	Latitude(°N)	Longitude(°E)
1		79.0354		11.2836
2		79.0099		11.4245
3.1		78.9844		11.5086
3		78.9931		11.5547
3.2		79.0097		11.608
3.2.2		79.0167		11.625
3.3		79.0253		11.6544
3.4		79.0414		11.7018
4		78.9755		11.6915
4.1		78.978		11.6915
5		78.9587		11.8224
6		78.9408		11.9576
7.1		78.917		12.0741
7		78.9228		12.0937
7.2		78.9399		12.1414
7.3		78.9536		12.1755
8		78.905		12.2278
9		78.8951		12.3201
10		78.9931		12.3