ETL Tools
Section 7.1: ETL Tools

-columns  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Only include the given columns

-notcolumns  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Don't include given columns

-delete  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Remove the columns

-cut  <rows> One or more rows. -1 to the end. e.g., 0-3,5,10,-1 

-include  <rows> one or more rows, -1 to the end 
Only include specified rows

-skip  <rows> How many rows to skip 
Skip number of rows

-copy  <column> 

-insert  <column> Column to insert after 
	 <values> Single value or comma separated for multiple rows 
Insert new column values

-concat  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Create a new column from the given columns

-split  <column> 
	 <delimiter> What to split on 
	 <names> Comma separated new column names 
Split the column

-splat  <key col> 
	 <name> new column name 
Create a new column from the values in the given column

-shift  <rows> Rows to apply to 
	 <column> Column to start at 
Shift columns over by count for given rows

-addcell  <row> 
Add a new cell at row/column

-deletecell  <row> 
Delete cell at row/column

-mergerows  <rows> 2 or more rows 

-rowop  <keys> Key columns 
	 <values> Value columns 
	 <operator> Operator 
Apply an operator to columns and merge rows

Rotate the data

Reverse the order of the rows except the header

-unfurl  <column> column to get new column header# 
	 <value columns> Columns to get values from 
	 <unique column> The unique value, e.g. date 
	 <other columns> Other columns to include 
Make columns from data values

-furl  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <header label> 
	 <value label> 
Use values in header to make new row

-explode  <column> 
Make separate files based on value of column

-join  <key columns> 
	 <value_columns> value columns 
	 <file> File to join with 
	 <source_columns> source key columns 
Join the 2 files together

7.1.1 Filter
-start  <start pattern> 
Start at pattern in source file

-stop  <stop pattern> 
End at pattern in source file

-rawlines  <lines> How many lines to pass through unprocesed 

-min  <min # columns> 
Only pass thorough lines that have at least this number of columns

-max  <max # columns> 
Only pass through lines that have no more than this number of columns

-pattern  <column> 
Pass through rows that match the pattern

-notpattern  <column> 
Pass through rows that don't match the pattern

-unique  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Pass through unique values

-dups  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Pass through duplicate values

-maxvalue  <key column> 
	 <value column> 

-eq  <column> 
Extract rows that pass the expression

-ne  <column> 
Extract rows that pass the expression

-gt  <column> 
Extract rows that pass the expression

-ge  <column> 
Extract rows that pass the expression

-lt  <column> 
Extract rows that pass the expression

-le  <column> 
Extract rows that pass the expression

-groupfilter  <column> 
	 <value_column> Value column 
One row in each group has to match

-before  <column> 

-after  <column> 

-latest  <columns> Key columns 
	 <column> Date column 

-countvalue  <column> 
No more than count unique values

-decimate  <rows> # of start rows to include 
	 <skip> skip factor 
only include every <skip factor> row

-skipline  <pattern> 
Skip any line that matches the pattern

-change  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <substitution string> use $1, $2, etc for pattern (...) matches 
Change columns

-changerow  <rows> Row indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <substitution string> 
Change the values in the row/cols

-set  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <rows> Row indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Write the value into the cells

-macro  <pattern> 
	 <column label> 
Look for the pattern in the header and apply the template to make a new column, template: '{1} {2} ...', use 'none' for column name for no header

-setcol  <column> match col # 
	 <write column> 
Write the value into the write col for rows that match the pattern

-priorprefix  <column> 
Append prefix from the previous element to rows that match pattern

-case  <type> 
Change case of column

-width  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Limit the string size of the columns

-prepend  <text> 
Add the text to the beginning of the file. use _nl_ to insert newlines

-pad  <count> 
	 <pad string> 
Add or remove columns to achieve the count

-prefix  <column> 
Add prefix to column

-suffix  <column> 
Add suffix to column

-js  <javascript> 
Define Javascript e.g., functions to use later in the -func call

-func  <names> New column names 
	 <javascript> javascript expression 
Apply the javascript function. Use _colname or _col#

-endswith  <column> 
Ensure that each column ends with the string

-trim  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Trim the string values

-truncate  <column> 
	 <max length> 

-extract  <column> 
	 <replace with> use 'none' for no replacement 
	 <new column name> 
Extract text from column and make a new column

-map  <column> 
	 <new columns name> 
	 <value newvalue ...> 
Change values in column to new values

-combine  <column> 
	 <new column name> 
Combine columns with the delimiter. deleting columns

-combineinplace  <column> 
	 <new column name> 
Combine columns with the delimiter

-format  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <format> Decimal format  e.g. '##0.00' 

-denormalize  <file> From csv file 
	 <from id idx> 
	 <from value idx> 
	 <to idx> 
	 <new col name> 
	 <mode replace add> 
Read the id,value from file and substitute the value in the dest file col idx

-break  <label1> 
	 <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Break apart column values and make new rows

-md  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Make a message digest of the column values

Add a UUID field

Add 1,2,3... as column

Add 'A','B', ... as column

7.1.4 Lookup
-wikidesc  <column> 
Add a description from wikipedia

-image  <column> 
Search for an image

-imagefill  <querycolumn> 
Search for an image with the query column text if the given image column is blank. Add the given suffix to the search.

-gender  <column> 
Figure out the gender of the name in the column

7.1.5 Dates
-convertdate  <column> 
	 <sourceformat> Source format 
	 <destformat> Target format 

-extractdate  <date column> 
	 <format> Date format 
	 <what> What to extract 

-formatdate  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <intial date format> 
	 <target date format> 

7.1.6 Numeric
-scale  <column> 
Set value={value+delta1}*scale+delta2

-generate  <label> 
Add row values

-decimals  <column> 
	 <how many decimals to round to> 

-delta  <key columns> 
	 <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Add column that is the delta from the previous step

-operator  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <new col name> 
	 <operator +,-,*,/> 
Apply the operator to the given columns and create new one

-round  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
round the values

-sum  <key columns> 
	 <value columns> 
	 <carry over columns> 
Sum values keying on name column value. If no value columns specified then do a count

-percent  <columns to add> 

-increase  <column> 
	 <how far back> 
Calculate percent increase

-average  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Calculate a moving average

7.1.7 Geocode
-geocode  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <prefix> e.g., state: or county: 

-geocodeaddressdb  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 

-geocodejoin  <column> 
	 <csv file> File to get lat/lon from 
	 <name idx> 
	 <lat idx> 
	 <lon idx> 
Geocode with file

-statename  <column> 
Add state name from state ID

-mercator  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Convert x/y to lon/lat

-region  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Add the state's region

-population  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
	 <prefix> e.g., state: or county: 
Add in population from address

-sort  <column> Column to sort on 

-descsort  <column> Column to descending sort on 

Show count

-maxrows  <Max rows to print> 

-changeline  <from> 
Change the line

-changeraw  <from> 
Change input text

-crop  <columns> Column indices, one per line. Can include ranges, e.g. 0-5 
Crop last part of string after any of the patterns

Be strict on columns. any rows that are not the size of the other rows are dropped

Be strict on columns. any rows that are not the size of the other rows are shown

-verify  <# columns> 
Throw error if a row has a different number of columns

-prop  <property> 
	 <value> start, end, etc 
Set a property

-comment  <string> 

Verify that all of the rows have the same # of columns

7.1.9 Input
-delimiter  <delimiter> Use 'space' for space, 'tab' for tab 
Specify a delimiter

Use tabs

-widths  <widths> w1,w2,...,wN 
Columns are fixed widths

-header  <header> Column names 
Raw header

-html  <skip> Number of tables to skip 
	 <pattern> Pattern to skip to 
	 <properties> Other attributes -    removeEntity false removePattern pattern 
Parse the table in the input html file

-htmlpattern  <columns> Column names 
	 <pattern> Row pattern. Use (...) to match columns 
Parse the input html file

-json  <arrayPath> Path to the array e.g., obj1.arr[2].obj2 
	 <objectPaths> One or more paths to the objects e.g. geometry,features 
Parse the input as json

-xml  <path> Path to the elements 
Parse the input as xml

-text  <comma separated header> 
	 <chunk pattern> 
	 <token pattern> 
Extract rows from the text

-text2  <comma separated header> 
	 <chunk pattern> 
	 <token pattern> 
Extract rows from the text

-text3  <comma separated header> 
	 <token pattern> 
Extract rows from the text

-tokenize  <header> header1,header2... 
Tokenize the input from the pattern

-sql  <db> The database id (defined in the environment) 
	 <table> The table to select from 
	 <properties> 'columns' c1,c2,...  'where' c1,<|>|<>|like|notlike;... 
Connect to the given database

-prune  <bytes> Number of leading bytes to remove 
Prune out the first N bytes

7.1.10 Output
Output the rows

-template  <prefix> 
	 <template> Use ${0},${1}, etc for values 
	 <delimiter> Output between rows 
Apply the template to make the output

Print the file raw

Print records

Print the first line

Generate the RAMADDA point properties

-addheader  <properties> name1 value1 ... nameN valueN 
Add the RAMADDA point properties

Strip off the point header

-db  <props> Name value pairs:  table.cansearch  table.canlist  table.icon  		.id  .label  		.type  		.format  		.canlist  .cansearch  		install  		nukedb Generate the RAMADDA db xml from the header

-toxml  <tag> 
Generate XML

-run  <Name of process directory> 

-cat  <*.csv> 
One or more csv files

Generate the script to call

Generate the CSV file commands

Print out the args