File Harvesters
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RAMADDA Workshop
5.1 File Harvesters
RAMADDA provides a Harvester facility
  1. Make sure you are logged in as an administrator
  2. Go to the Admin->Harvesters page and press New Harvester
  3. Specify some name (e.g., Workshop Data Harvester) and leave the type as Local Files and press Create
  4. There is pretty good documentation describing harvesters. We'll just set a couple of things:
    • A harvester needs to know what file path to harvest. Specify the workshop data directory
    • You then need to specify a Base folder as the destination of the new entries. Select the Data folder
    • Under the Metadata section select "Add full metadata"
    • Save your changes
  5. Run your harvester
    • Go back to the main Harvester page
    • Press Start for your new harvester
    • This may take a little while
  6. Now, go to your Data folder to see the results


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