Installating RAMADDA under Tomcat
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RAMADDA Workshop
1.0 Installating RAMADDA under Tomcat
RAMADDA is available at:

Steps performed as root:

  1. If you haven't already then install Tomcat
    yum -y install tomcat6
  2. Before we install RAMADDA we need to add a property file to the Tomcat conf directory to tell RAMADDA where to store data and files. Copy the file:
  3. Download the repository.war file from:
  4. Copy the RAMADDA war file to the webapps directory:
    cp repository.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps
  5. And now restart Tomcat (don't forget that you need to be root to do this).
    service tomcat6 stop
    service tomcat6 start


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